
Dice & Bolter is a Wargaming club set within the beautiful South Lakes in Cumbria. It was setup to provide a fun safe tabletop gaming space for anyone that wants to get involved. We have people playing wargames such as Warhammer 40k, RPG sessions and a regular board game table going on.

Rolling dice!

The club is held on a Thursdays and Sundays at Levens Village Hall (LA8 8NL) 6om until 10pm and there is a charge of £4 per person each club night they take part in. Any monies we earn are put back into the club for the village hall rental, terrain, mats or any other costs that the club incurs. We are also on Best Coast Pairings if your a tournament gamer under Dice and Bolter Tabletop Gaming Club.

Levans Village Hall

Club Committee

The members of the club committee are invested in making this gaming club run to a high standard, to be fair to all and to give everyone the chance to game, learn and enjoy themselves. Please always feel happy to chat to any of them with issues or questions.

Chairman- Matt Brazier

Matt started gaming when lead figures were made of actual lead, Rogue Trader was a new thing and Necromunda cardboard terrain was a revelation!

After a long stint away from the hobby to indulge in extreme sports, travel and other things, he eventually calmed down and can now be found at the Club playing a mix of 40k, Kill Team and Necromunda.

Matt is a die hard fan of all things Eldar, from Aeldari to Harlequins and Drukhari, but also currently runs a mean Space Marine Raven Guard list and a tough bunch of Escher gangers stalking the Underhive.

A real fan of narrative gaming, Matt likes nothing more than a campaign full of plots and intrigue to grow and develop his army and there are plenty of opportunities for that at the club!

Treasurer- Ian ‘Grump Geek’ Loxam

Ian enjoyed picking up the odd metal Eavy metal miniature back in the early 90s as well as White Dwarfs back then, with no idea to the full extent of how the games used these detailed minis.

Roll forward to the early 2000’s and along with Paul, he jumped feet first into Warhammer 40k 3rd edition with his first Space Marine army, the Iron Hands.

After a break he returned to the hobby and dived into Warhammer Fantasy 8th, swapping armies and even winning best Ogre player at a tournament (the only ever win but hey he’ll take what he can get).

Now you’ll find him back with his Iron Hands, rolling the dice with Goliaths in Necromunda, buying too many Underworlds sets or jumping headfirst into RPG’s too. He’s currently a troll slayer in a Warhammer RPG campaign with the best moves and has plenty of stories to tell.

Secretary- Mike ‘CthulhuPunk’ Williams

Mike is the clubs veteran Dungeon Master, weaving fanciful tales of adventure across countless different role playing games since D&D 2nd edition. Picking up White Dwarf #63 back in 1985 changed him forever, leading to a lifetime love of painting, wargaming and board games too.

Frequently finishes last in tournaments but often wins ‘best painted’. If it can take primer, he will paint it. Current painting backlog extends greater than theoretical human lifespan.

He adores shiny new things and is usually the first person to bring a new game that nobody has heard of. Always passionate about sharing new hobby experiences with others. His current fads are D&D5e, Alien RPG, Kill Team, Frostgrave, Cyberpunk RED and anything Zombie. But that could change. Daily.

Mike rejects all nerd stereotyping by sporting a beard, working for a tech company and podcasting about comic books. Oh wait…

Membership Officer- Paul ‘Igor’ Williamson

Paul started at a young age with Airfix WW2 airplanes, lovingly (badly) built and painted, hanging from his bedroom ceiling, during his teens he became an avid reader of White Dwarf, eventually in the year 2000 he decided to give Warhammer 40k a go, starting with his life long friend and fellow committee member Ian . After a few years and life, Paul stepped away away from the hobby.

A few years later he got back into tabletop gaming (again with Ian) with Warhammer fantasy, falling in to a beautiful long lasting love for the Tomb Kings. That’s was until several years later when GW did away with them. Swapping back to 40k Paul has recently been using the space tomb kings……sorry Necrons. Also dabbling in Necromunda, Bloodbowl, Kill Team and RPGs.

Youth Officer- Richard Preston

Richard started gaming in 1986 when he started playing D&D in his first year of secondary school. Over the years he has played a lot of warhammer and bloodbowl and dipped his toes in many games systems.

Currently he remains a very keen bloodbowl coach and avid RPG fan both as a player and DM. He is really enjoying guiding friends through the classic enemy within campaign.

Still happy to teach people what he is playing and try out new games mainly at skirmish level these days.

Committee member- Matt Carr

Matt started rolling dice, playing games and (badly) painting models at secondary school, bloodbowl was the first game he got into followed quickly by Warhammer 40’000 and Warhammer Quest.

He drifted away from the hobby when he went to uni, moving instead to more outdoor sports, drinking and occasionally studying!

A chance encounter reignited the passion for playing with toy soldiers with Warhammer becoming the main game. Warhammer 40’000, Bloodbowl, necromunda and malifaux etc also formed part of his gaming, any excuse to roll dice!
Life eventually got in the way and gaming stopped yet again, to be replaced with animals, animals and more animals!

Having got back into gaming again recently he’s discovered the joys of RPGs which he’s jumped into with both feet. Moving away from the larger games he now also prefers the smaller ones, mainly because it means less models to paint which fits better into his very busy life!

Committee Member- David ‘Hodgy’ Baines

David started with the 2nd edition box of 40k and owned his own cardboard killa Kan at the age of about 10. He continued down the rabbit hole playing until 5th edition and then returning to it in 8th edition. Played Dark Angels since that 2nd edition box as well as playing Eldar and Chaos in 3rd edition.

It didn’t stop there with high elves in fantasy, 2 different editions of Necromunda and probably his most played game Bloodbowl, apologies he is a Skaven player…

The thing you will find out most about David is that he really hates painting, and that is why out of his 14000 points of Horus Heresy Dark Angels only 2 squads are actually finished, its not even a pile of shame, it’s a room of shame.

Committee Member – Luke Alwyne

After his girlfriend (now wife) innocently gifted him a box of Tyranids and some paints for valentine’s day some seven years ago, Luke has made a reputation for himself as the clubs resident Tyranid player with the swarm up to over 8k points painted. Currently undefeated throughout 40K ninth edition at the club, and the current league champion, it is safe to say he enjoys a game or two of Warhammer 40k – and is fairly good at it!

Luke enjoys painting models and playing a range of different game systems including Warhammer 40k, kill team and Burrows and Badgers, as well as being a keen but fairly new RPG player.

Committee members should be wearing a lanyard. Feel free to go and have a chat with them
Logo designed by Pete Taylor (thismanthispete.com)